Slow PDF to PDF/A conversion of documents with many pages

Problem: The attached document is only 1MB in size, having 84 pages. Converting this to PDF/A takes 90 seconds. Can this be improved given the simplicity of the document?

Host: Win11
Runtime: .NET 6
Library: Aspose.Drawing.Pdf 23.4.0 and 23.5.0
Mode: Release

Free_Test_Data_1MB_PDF (1).pdf (1.0 MB)


using PdfDocument = Aspose.Pdf.Document;

using var inputPdfFileStream = File.OpenRead(inputFilename);
var document = new PdfDocument(inputPdfFileStream);

var timestamp = $"{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss}";
var convertLogFilename = $"{timestamp}_{inputFilename}_convert.log";
var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputPath.FullName, $"{inputFilename}_{timestamp}.pdf");
document.Convert(convertLogFilename, pdfFormat, ConvertErrorAction.Delete);
document.Save(outputFilePath, CreateSaveOptions());

private static void AllowPrintDocumentPrivilege(Document document)
        var fileSecurity = new PdfFileSecurity(document);

private static PdfSaveOptions CreateSaveOptions() => new()
        DefaultFontName = "Arial"


We tested your document with Aspose.PDF for .NET 23.5 and it took 15 seconds in our environment. Can you please share the complete environment details for our reference like OS Name and Version, Installed RAM size, debug mode, etc.? We will further proceed to assist you accordingly.

Thank you for your response. Updated the original post with additional information.

The result I’m getting are as follows:

  • Aspose.PDF.Drawing 23.4: 101s
  • Aspose.PDF.Drawing 23.5: 100s
  • Aspose.PDF 23.4: 13.5s

The problem only happens in Aspose.PDF.Drawing since Aspose.PDF performance matches what you had reported.


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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-54669

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