Smart markers side by side shifts each other down

I have 2 smart markers side by side.

&=[Tag1].FIELD_1 &=[Tag1].FIELD_2 &=[SecondTag].FIELD_1 &=[SecondTag].FIELD_2

I process “Tag1” first by calling set datasource. After that, I process “SecondTag” However, I notice
that after processing SmartTag Tag1, it pushes the results of “SecondTag” down. How do I get it so that the results are side by side?



I think you may try to use “noadd” parameter while specifying the markers in the template Excel file, e.g

&=[Tag1].FIELD_1(noadd)… &=[SecondTag].FIELD_1(noadd)

For complete reference on smart markers with its available parameters, see the document:

Thank you.