Smartmarker and array formula


How do I setup cells for array formula when I use smartmarker?



I think you may try to use dynamic formulas to place your array formula in smart markers but it might not be accurate for your need.


Thank you.


Here is the formula I am trying to implement with smartmarker


the equivalent with SmartMArker is:

&=&=SUM(IF(AG{r}:BN{r}<>"NA",IF($AG$18:$BN$18<$D$13,1,0)),0) but to make it an array formula



Well, I think it is bit difficult to incorporate array formulas in smart markers’ dynamic formulas, the dynamic formula is processed for every line based on the other values in the cells in the same row.

I think you may try to add your array formulas using Cell.SetArrayFormula() method after your markers are processed (after the line WorkbookDesigner.Process() method) and the data is filled to the cells.

Thank you.