Some paper sizes do not work when saving to pdf

Hi Andrey,

We are currently in process of publishing the official release of Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.7.2. In this reference you have received the automatic notification regarding the previously resolved tickets. Shortly you will be notified for CELLSNET-42329 as well because the ticket has been marked resolved in our bug tracking system, and the latest version 7.7.2 should provide the fix.

Okay, thanks!

Hi, I still didn’t get any updates on this.

So I have downloaded the latest update ( and found that PaperSizeType enum already contains PaperBusinessCard size. And moreover it seems it is working well.
But I didn’t find any info about CELLSNET-42329 in 7.7.2 release improvements and changes.
So the question is: Can I really use 7.7.2 update for converting Excel files into BussinessCard paper size.
Thanks in advance!

Hi Andrey,

Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.

I have checked your issue status from our database and found your issue (CELLSNET-42329) has been fixed in the latest version (7.7.2). So you can use it in your production environment without any concerns.

Hi, Shakeel,

Many thanks for the update and assistance!
Much appreciated!