Space Within Paragraph

Dear team ,

What is the difference between getRawSpaceWithin and the getSpaceWithin api methods in the paragraph class. Please educate.


Please see if this thread is helpful.

Normal vs Raw methods

Dear team,

The link was useful .

One more question , Is there any method to obtain the line spacing in points (even if it has been set by the user in lines) . If not , is it possible to convert the line spacing value in lines to points.

If there is no such method , can you provide insights on how it can be done .


Dear team,

Am stuck at a point , unable to convert the linespacing value in lines to points , can some one please help me in the process as i have requested in my previous post.

Thanks for all your help.


Dear J.Karthik,

For line-spacing use the Paragraph.get/setSpaceWithin property.

See the demo code below which reads the source presentation and set the linespacing and write the output presentation.

Source and output presentations are also attached.


// Source presentation

Presentation srcPres = new Presentation(new FileInputStream(


// Source slide

Slide srcSld = srcPres.getSlideByPosition(1);

//Access first textframe

Shape shp = srcSld.getShapes().get(0);

//Set linespacing

TextFrame tf = shp.getTextFrame();

tf.getParagraphs().get(0).setSpaceWithin( (short)200);

tf.getParagraphs().get(1).setSpaceWithin( (short)200);

tf.getParagraphs().get(2).setSpaceWithin( (short)200);

//Write the presentation on disk

srcPres.write(new FileOutputStream("c:\\output.ppt"));

Sorry, I did not answer your question correctly.

1 line=100 points

So, if you want to set 1.76 for line spacing, you will use 176