Special Char


I have an issue with special characters:

When I run a mail merge for labels they labels do not show the special character. Instead they show the HTML code for that character:

e.g. Murjāņu iela 18-7

Displays on a web page as:

Murjāņu iela 18-7

but when i mail merge is comes out as:

Murjāņu iela 18-7

How can I make it show the correct version?

many Thanks

In the following test the MailMerge of your text works and displays correctly:

doc.MailMerge.Execute(new string[] {"Name"}, new object[] {"Murjāņu iela 18-7"});

Please provide more details including the template you are using and code snippets sufficient to reproduce the error.

Thanks for the reply -

Set DocLabels = Word.Open(templatepath)

DocLabels.MailMerge.RemoveEmptyParagraphs = true
DocLabels.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegionsADO RS1, "Labels"



















The problem remains that when the user in the database with the address 'Murjāņu iela 18-7' the output in the labels is incorrect.

Please attach the template document and the document with aforementioned address displayed incorrectly. Also please tell me what version of Aspose.Words you are currently using.

Best regards,

The aspose.words version is

Please find attached the template and the incorrect finished template.

other attachment

Thanks for additional info. Please give me several days for research. I will inform you of the results here in this thread.

Best regards,

I cannot reproduce the error on ADO.NET data sources. Could you help me on this? Please make a small recordset containing the address string in question and serialize it using the following .NET function:

Function RsToString(ByVal rs As ADODB.Recordset) As String

Dim stm As New ADODB.Stream()

rs.Save(stm, ADODB.PersistFormatEnum.adPersistXML)

Return stm.ReadText()

End Function

Then please attach the text of the serialized recordset here.

I suspect that the problem occurs during conversion of ADO recordset to ADO.NET dataset but I cannot prove it yet.

Best regards,