Specific MHtml file is not rendered correctly

Hi, the attahed MHtml file is rendered with missing text.
Please check it.
439243_TextNotRendered.msg.1.zip (27.1 KB)

The file is produced by Aspose.Email from the attached Msg file.

@DWProject As I can see Aspose.Words reads the provide MHTML document the same way as MS Word does. Please see the document produced from the attached MHTML using Aspose.Words and MS Word:
ms.docx (16.1 KB)
aw.docx (10.1 KB)

Ok, thanks! I forwarded to issue to Aspose.Email - Wrong MHtml produced from specific MSG file

I opened the MHtml file in the browser and the text was visible. That’s why I wrongly suggested that the issue is in Aspose.Words. Sorry!

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