Spliting PDF by Content

Hi - I am currently testing PDF.Kit. I have tested Spliting and Extracting text but was wondering if and how we can do the following in Vb.Net.

1) Split the PDF by Account # and save as Tiff
2) Extract just the Invoice # and the Account # from the PDF and save the values to a text file.

I have attached a sample PDF. Any help in this regards will be really appreciated and will speed up the process of purchasing Aspose.PDF.Kit.

Hi Ray,

Thank you very much for considering Aspose.

I would like to share some information regarding your above two requirements:

1.Aspose.Pdf.Kit allows you to convert a single PDF page or the complete PDF to TIFF image(s) using SaveAsTiff method of PdfConverter class. As each page in the attached sample is, in fact, an invoice so it’ll be quite easy to convert individual pages to TIFF images.

Moreover, you can also convert individual pages to other image formats using GetNextImage method.

2. You can extract all the text from a single page or all the pages using ExtractText method of PdfExtractor class. Once you have that text in a string, stream or file object, you can search/parse the text using your .NET code.

I hope above information helps in your scenario. If you have any other questions or concerns, please do let us know.