SSRS Rendering Extension for Aspose Words

I am evaluating the tool for purchanse for my client. I am facing formatting issues in the doc file generated from the tool using the evaluation version attached herewith. Please assist asap.

Thanks for your request. Please attach also your RDL for testing.
Best regards.

Thanks for attachment, I’m working on the issue right at the moment.

I have noticed several issues in the resulting document. The first one is the duplicated text in textboxes whose action is “link to bookmark”. I have fixed it and attached the build to my post, please try it out.
The second issue is a couple of corrupted tables with green headers. The corruption occurs due to the fact that the tables are represented by a bunch of textboxes in the original report, not actually RDL tables. Although textboxes do not overlap, they stand very close to each other, actually they are adjacent. This addles the layout algorithm which cannot recognize the correct table and fails. I think this is a bug and I’ll try to fix it but you should change something in order to get the correct result. I can suggest two options:

  1. Switch to the positioned layout mode as described here: This will lower editability of the document but will fix the problem immediately because textboxes in the original report will be represented by textboxes in the resulting document.
  2. Redesign your report so that all tables would be represented by real tables, not by an array of textboxes.
