Stamping PDFs

I have another PDF that will not recieve the stamp from PDF.Kit. The ones I have had in the past did not actually error but this one does. The error is as follows:


[System.ArgumentNullException]: {System.ArgumentNullException}

HelpLink: Nothing

InnerException: Nothing

Message: "Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: args"

Source: "mscorlib"

StackTrace: " at System.String.Format(IFormatProvider provider, String format, Object[] args)

at System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(String format, Object[] arg)

at System.IO.SyncTextWriter.WriteLine(String format, Object[] arg)

at System.Console.WriteLine(String format, Object[] arg)

at xeb116a323308e2f7.x18c8953b542ab6fa.get_NextCode()

at xeb116a323308e2f7.x18c8953b542ab6fa.decode(SByte[] data, Stream uncompData)

at xeb116a323308e2f7.x7759a935a2782a02.xec355c2628037741(SByte[] x145cf1bad4814f92)

at xeb116a323308e2f7.x7759a935a2782a02.xb9fd793f310cc289(x3cb3e02ca07b8735 xcf18e5243f8d5fd3, x847acb1842aef4c9 xb44380e048627945)

at xeb116a323308e2f7.x7759a935a2782a02.getPageContent(Int32 pageNum, x847acb1842aef4c9 file)

at xeb116a323308e2f7.xe923a3ea50a7237f.x17dee9acbba09b18()

at xeb116a323308e2f7.xe923a3ea50a7237f.xeb1688f3c25edfc6(x1ac4f595ab61cbe1 x4b18414d8aa2b78b)

at xeb116a323308e2f7.x3233d061fc77cddd.close()

at Aspose.Pdf.Kit.PdfFileStamp.Close()

at EJcc.DocumentCreator.AppendTimeStamp(String sOutPutFile, String sDateFiled) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\EJcc\App_Code\DocumentCreator.vb:line 852

at EJcc.FileUpload.cmdUpdate_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\EJcc\Attorney\FileUpload.aspx.vb:line 111"

TargetSite: {System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo}

I have attached a copy of the PDF in question.


I have checked your pdf document and can reproduce the problem. I have logged it as PDFKITNET-4354. I will investigate this problem and try to solve this problem ASAP.

I never got a reply as to wether this issue was resolved and to be honest had forgotten about this issue until I got another PDF that won't stamp.

The PDF in question was created by converting a WordPerfect document to PDF and is attached. If the document is printed from WordPerfect and scanned to PDF it works fine. I need to resolve this issue as soon as possible.


First, i am sorry for not informing you the status of this problem in time. This problem has been solved for some time, please download the latest dll and test your attachment of pdf documents again. If you have any questions, please feel free to notify me.