Starting From Scratch

What is the pro/cons of using an .msi installer versus downloading aspose.words with NuGet in Visual Studio?

I can not find Aspose.words with Visual Studio 2017 - Community Version? When I click Tools -> NuGet Package Manager, I only get 2 options. (1) Package Manager Console, (2) Package Manager Setting.

Please provide super easy instructions (Starting from scratch).

I really want to get started and install this on my local Windows 10 machine.


Functionality wise, there is no difference. To install Aspose.Words for .NET via NuGet, please follow these simple steps:

  • Right-click on the project in Visual Studio for Windows and select Manage NuGet Packages
  • Select the “Browser” tab
  • Enter “Aspose.Words” in the search box
  • Currently, it brings up four package entries
  • Select the Aspose.Words package with green logo
  • On the right-side panel, you can finally click on Install button

Hope, this helps.

Thank You for the response. I am a newbie… I guess I have to create a project first. How do I setup a project? Give me the details like it is my first time in Visual Studio… Project Name, selections, etc…

Thanks in advance.


For example, to reference Aspose.Words for .NET in a Console Application, please follow the steps below:

  • Open Visual Studio 2017
  • From the top menu bar, choose File > New > Project
  • In the New Project dialog box in the left pane, expand C#, and then choose Windows Desktop. In the middle pane, choose Console App (.NET Framework). Then name the file as TestProject.
  • On the right side of VS, click on Solution Explorer
  • Then tight-click on the project and select Manage NuGet Packages
  • Select the “Browser” tab
  • Enter “Aspose.Words” in the search box
  • Currently, it brings up four package entries
  • Select the Aspose.Words package with green logo
  • On the right-side panel, you can finally click on Install button

Hope, this helps.

I could not get Visual Studio 2017 to install Aspose.Words. So I downloaded the MSI and installed Aspose.Words on my windows 10 machine. What are the next steps to develop classic ASP pages via local host and using the Aspose.Words? Do I need to Regasm first? … or do I need to kick Visual Studio and make a com wrapper and then regasm. What .NET framework is needed? I tried to SET an object to the license but get an Active X error.

Looking for some good guidance.


It is recommended that you create a COM wrapper to be able to use many of the Aspose.Words classes, methods and properties. Please refer to the Creating a Wrapper Assembly section at the end of this page. The steps should be as follows:

  • Open Visual Studio and create “Class Library” project and add a reference to latest Aspose.Words assembly. If you already have a COM Wrapper project, please remove the old Aspose.Words reference from it. Clean the project and then add again the reference to latest Aspose.Words assembly.
  • Build the project.
  • Now, you should make your class library (wrapper) signed and visible for COM.
  • After building the project, you should register the DLL again using the following command:
    regasm /codebase AsposeComWrapper.dll
  • Once your helper (wrapper) DLL is registered, you can use it in your classic ASP code.

Assuming that you have created a method with following signature in COM Wrapper:

public void ExportWordToEpub(object inPath, object outPath)

then you can call it in classic ASP like below:


Dim lic
Set lic = CreateObject("Aspose.Words.License")

Dim comHelper
Set comHelper = CreateObject("AsposeComWrapper.Methods")

comHelper.ExportWordToEpub "C:\temp\in.doc", "C:\temp\out.epub"


Hope, this helps.