I have attached an example MSWord document that contains a stock chart (High-Low-Close). I tried to save the document as a PDF file, but the resulting render of the chart in PDF looks very different to the MSWord render, with a broken range on the fifth data point.
I used the following C# code and Aspose.Words (.NET) 23.8.0 to save as PDF.
using AspWord = Aspose.Words;
namespace ConsoleApp;
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SaveDocxAsPdf("TestChart2.docx", "TestChart2.pdf");
private static string SaveDocxAsPdf(string docFilePath, string pdfFilePath)
var doc = new AspWord.Document(docFilePath);
doc.Save(pdfFilePath, AspWord.SaveFormat.Pdf);
return pdfFilePath;
TestChart2.zip (49.9 KB)
Can you please have a look and see if the PDF chart render can be fixed?
Many thanks!