Substitute Wingding fonts for linux

I am using Java aspose.words and trying to build a pdf from docx/ppt in linux. The docx-document has an list with bulletpoints. These bulletpoints use the symbol font.

When i create the pdf with aspose these bulletpoints are shown in webdings font as a clapperboard. I did not find any free font (for commercial use) that is an equivalent to the symbol font. Does anyone know a good solution to show correct bulletpoints in list?

I found the way to substitute fonts, but i don’t know which font to use:

TableSubstitutionRule tableSubstitutionRule = fontSettings.getSubstitutionSettings().getTableSubstitution();
tableSubstitutionRule.addSubstitutes("Symbol", "?WHICH_FONT?");

@dnyandevp “Symbol” font is a symbolic font which uses PUA characters. Thus it cannot be directly substituted with another Unicode font. As a workaround you could replace the PUA bullet character U+F0B7 from “Symbol” font with Unicode bullet character U+2022 from some Unicode in Aspose.Words DOM. Most of the free fonts contains the glyph for U+2022 character. For example “FreeSans” font could be used. Here is example code:

foreach (Aspose.Words.Lists.List lst in wordDocument.Lists)
    foreach (Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel level in lst.ListLevels)
        if (level.Font.Name == "Symbol" && level.NumberFormat == "\xF0B7")
            level.Font.Name = "FreeSans";
            level.NumberFormat = "\x2022";

A post was split to a new topic: Substitute Wingding fonts in powerpoint for linux