SUBTOTAL Function Issue


We are using the latest version of aspose and license. Right now, I am experiencing some weird problems when using the =SUBTOTAL function. When I run the same code using the =AVERAGE function, the code works fine.

I'm getting the following exceptions:

-Message "Unsupported function in formula calculation engine - code 344" string
-StackTrace " at Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CalculateFormula(Boolean ignoreError)\r\n at Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CalculateFormula()\r\n at HIQ.Excel.Reports.HotelReportHelper.ComputePodGroupAverage(Worksheet sheet, DataTable dtPodGroupName, Int32 startRow, Int32 endRow, Int32 startPodGroupColumn) in C:\\Projects\\IQMINE-2008_03_27_v2\\IQMINE-2008_03_27\\HIQ.Excel.Reports\\HotelReportHelper.cs:line 328\r\n at HIQ.Excel.Reports.HotelReportHelper.CreateHotelReport() in C:\\Projects\\IQMINE-2008_03_27_v2\\IQMINE-2008_03_27\\HIQ.Excel.Reports\\HotelReportHelper.cs:line 202" string

Please see the attached code.

Hoping for your prompt reply regarding this matter.



Hi Louie,

Well, I'm afraid SUBTOTAL function is not supported by Aspose.Cells calculation engine (using Workbook.CalculateFormula to get the results at runtime, see the supported list: currently, although Aspose.Cells allows to set the formula and you don't call the Wokbook.CalcualteFormula() method and let MS Excel should calculate the function when opening the resultant file in it.

We will consider to support the function soon.

Thank you.


Thanks for the prompt reply.

Yeah, I just commented out the call to workbook.calculateformula()

and now it's working.

Thank you very much!

