Subtotal in aspose.cell


public void subtotal(com.aspose.cells.CellArea cellArea, int i, int i1, int[] ints, boolean b, boolean b1, boolean b2) { }

Can you please provide details of these method parameters?


Hi Nisha,

Thanks for your query. I’m moving your query to the related forum; Aspose.Cells. There one of my colleagues will answer you properly.

Best Regards,


I am a representative of Aspose.Cells team and would like to help regarding your query for subtotal() function.

Please see the method details for your reference:

public void subtotal(CellArea ca, int groupBy, int function, int[] totalList, boolean replace, boolean pageBreaks, boolean summaryBelowData)
Creates subtotals for the range.
ca - The range or CellArea
groupBy - The field to group by, as a zero-based integer offset
function - A ConsolidationFunction value. The subtotal function.
totalList - An array of zero-based field offsets, indicating the fields to which the subtotals are added.
replace - Indicates whether replace the current subtotals
pageBreaks - Indicates whether add page break between groups
summaryBelowData - Indicates whether add summary below data.

We also recommend you to kindly see the document on how to use or apply Subtotals feature using Aspose.Cells for Java APIs:

Thank you.

Thanks. That was helpful.


Good to know that your issue is resolved.

Feel free to contact us any time if you need further help or have other queries, we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you.