Summertime/Wintertime issue


I create appointments using Aspose.Network. Every change of winter and summertime, i need to change the time of the new appointments, because they are 1 hour wrong.

Does somebody know how i can fix this issue instead of changing my code every 6 months?

This is my code if you need it:

AsposeMail.MailMessage msg = new AsposeMail.MailMessage();
msg.From = new AsposeMail.MailAddress(t.AssignedUser.Email,"CRM");
AsposeMail.MailAddressCollection attendees = new AsposeMail.MailAddressCollection();
attendees.Add(new AsposeMail.MailAddress(t.AssignedUser.Email));
msg.Bcc.Add(new AsposeMail.MailAddress(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SendAppointmentToClientBCC"].ToString()));
msg.To = attendees;
// This line is now for wintertime
AsposeMail.Appointment appoinment = new AsposeMail.Appointment("", t.TaskDate, t.TaskDate, msg.From[0], attendees);
// This line is for summertime
//AsposeMail.Appointment appoinment = new AsposeMail.Appointment("", t.TaskDate.AddHours(-1), t.TaskDate, msg.From[0], attendees);

appoinment.Description = getDescription(t);
appoinment.Summary = GetSubject(t);
appoinment.Location = GetLocation(t);
appoinment.UniqueId = "YRM" + t.Id;
msg.Subject = GetSubject(t) ;


AsposeMail.SmtpClient smtp = new AsposeMail.SmtpClient(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["smtp"]);


Thank you for inquiry.

Does this happen when you send the appointment to a person in a different time zone Or when appointment is sent to a person in same time zone (office/location)?

I tried sending meeting requests to Gmail, hotmail and office mail addresses, but could not find such issue.


I'm using the DLL aspose.Network version 2009.07.18

The people are all in the same timezone and they all use Microsoft Exchange