Support for 1.1 / 2.0

If we buy ASPOSE.CELLs, does it support both 1.1 and 2.0 framework?

Is it one assembly or two different assemblies?


Thanks for considering Aspose.

Yes, Aspose.Cells does support all the .Net framework versions including 1.x, 2.0 and 3.x.

The component is based on a single assembly (Aspose.Cells.dll file). When you install the component using Aspose.Cells.msi installer, two compiled versions of the product are installed on the system. i.e., one version compiled on .Net 1.x and other on .Net 2.0 in your installable dir e.g., .....\Program Files\Aspose\Aspose.Cells\Bin

If you need further assisstance, feel free to contact us any time.

Thank you.