Support for any dotnet controls to embed word document on aspx page?

Do aspose have any web controls to render the word document on the aspx page??


Thanks for your inquiry. Please note that Aspose.Words for .NET is a class library and with it you can programmatically generate, modify, convert, render and print documents without utilizing Microsoft Word®. So, it does not offer any UI or web control for performing these document processing tasks. For more information please see the following link:

Please let us know if you need more information, We are always glad to help you.

Best Regards,


In addition to my previous post, if your’re intended to just preview your Word document in aspx pages, I can offer you a way that will help you in achieving what you are looking for e.g.

  • Load your Word document into Aspose.Words.
  • Generate images against each page in Word document and then view them in aspx. or
  • Save the entire Word document to PDF format with Aspose.Words and use some PDF Viewer to view it in aspx page.

Moreover, Aspose.Words for .NET and Document Toolkit for Silverlight together provide an easy, powerful and seamless document viewing experience in Silverlight as is demonstrated in the online demo application. Run the application and view your own Word, Open Office, RTF and HTML documents right in Silverlight.

If we can help you with anything else, please feel free to ask.

Best Regards,


Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Words. It is possible to create Document preview, for example by converting your document to image, XPS or SWF format. For example , try to run one of Aspose.Words demos and select SWF as a target format:

SWF produced by Aspose.Words also includes document viewer UI. So you need simply embed this SWF into your web page.

Best regards,