Support for older versions of Jasperreports


Is there a fixed plan that shows when older versions of JaspreReports are no longer supported by Aspose.Words for JasperReports?

Best regards, Achim


Please note that we do not provide support for older released versions of Aspose.Words. Moreover, we do not provide any fixes or patches for old versions of Aspose products either. All fixes and new features are always added into new versions of our products.

Please note that the license never expires if you do not upgrade to a latest version of Aspose product. It needs to be upgraded to use any version released after the expiry of the license. To check an expiration date of your license, open the license file using notepad. You will see the following tags:


It means that you can free upgrade to version of Aspose product published before 09/30/2018.


Many thanks for the answer. I think my question was wrong. For Aspose.Words for Jasprereports there are always different jar’s for different versions of JasperReports. For very old versions of JasperReports there are no more jar’s available. Are there, for example, Already a time when Aspose.Words will not be available for JasperReports 5.6.0?

Best regards, Achim


Thanks for your inquiry. Please note that there is no more support of JasperReports 3.7.1 and lower versions. Currently, we do not have any plans to remove the support of higher version from 3.7.1 of JasperReports.