Support for XML Mapping

Could you please tell me if Aspose.Cells has support for XML mapping?

I need to be able to find a cell within a worksheet which has a mapping to a schema. I know this is possible with the Excel DOM via the XmlDataQuery method of a worksheet but can't see how to do this with Aspose.


Tim Lambe

This message was posted using Aspose.Live 2 Forum

Hi Tim Lambe,

Thanks for your inquiry.

We will check and analyze this feature if we could support it in our future versions.

Thank you.


Aspose.Cells now allows you to import the XML map and export XML data linked to XML Maps inside your workbook. See the following sample code for your reference:
Sample code:

    // Create a workbook
    Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

    // URL that contains your XML data for mapping
    string XML = "";

    // Import your XML Map data starting from cell A1
    workbook.ImportXml(XML, "Sheet1", 0, 0);

// Save workbook
workbook.Save(dataDir + "output_out.xlsx");

Moreover, please browse the documents in the section for your complete reference on XML Mapping feature.