SVGOptions VectorizeText


I'm trying to convert a presentation to HTML and I'm passing in an SVGOptions object with VectorizeText = True. However, when I export the file, the text is still rendered as text instead of converted to paths. This is the code I'm using:

            string file = args[0];
                Console.WriteLine("Converting presentation to HTML:");
                PresentationEx presentation = new PresentationEx(file);

                HtmlOptions exportOptions = new HtmlOptions();
                exportOptions.SlideImageFormat = SlideImageFormat.Svg(new SVGOptions { VectorizeText = true });

                presentation.Save(args[0] + ".html", SaveFormat.Html, exportOptions);

                Console.WriteLine("Successfully converted slide to HTML+SVG.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("An error occurred converting your presentation to HTML: ");

Any ideas?

Also, is it possible to pass in SVGOptions when saving individual slides using the SaveAsSvgStream method?


Hi Donal,

I have observed the code snippet shared by you and it seems fine. Can you please share the source presentation along with generated presentation. Please also share the expected output as well so that we may understand the requirement and see whether it is normal behaviour of Aspose.Slides or it is some issue. I also like to add that for slides to SVG there is WriteAsSVG() method that does not take in to account any SVG Options.

Many Thanks,