Table background color and borders render invalid


we are having troubles with the following code that renders incorrectly. There are few problems that are slightly visible in rendered document on screen, but are even more visible when printed:

1. When a cell has bacground color and border defined, sometimes the background color overprints the borders. In the example some black borders (in third column) are not visible.

2. Nested tables with bg color render with a thin white left gap (that should not exist), and overlap the table boundaries on right edge (the latter is especially visible on print). In the example please see the “a, b, c, d” rows - they have gap on the left and backround overlaps on the right).

5.1 Opis kontrol vgrajenih v ra?unalni?ko re?itev, ki zagotavljajo pravilno
in zanesljivo obdelavo podatkov

Navesti vgrajene kontrole, ki zagotavljajo pravilno in zanesljivo obdelavo podatkov.

5.2 Opis kontrol, ki prepre?ujejo nepoobla??eno dodajanje, spreminjanje ali
brisanje hranjenih ra?unalni?kih zapisov

a. ?ifriranje podatkov

Ali zavezanec uporablja ?ifriranje datotek?

b. uporaba elektronskega podpisa

Ali zavezanec uporablja elektronski podpis in na osnovi katerega
digitalnega potrdila?

c. Za??ita zapisov

Opisati na?in in postopke za omejevanje dostopov samo na poobla??ene osebe

d. Za??ita pred spreminjanjem, dodajanjem in brisanjem podatkov ra?una

Opisati na?in zagotavljanja, da se podatki ra?una ne morejo spreminjati,
dodajati brisati.

Dear jurev,

Thanks for your consideration.

I am now working on table simplification and data integration. I have noticed the border and background color problem and I will fix these bug in the new release which will be published at early April. Will that be too late for you? If it is, please let me know.

The important deadline for us is April 10th, we sincerely hope you will be able to get the fix by then.

Thank you, Jure

Dear jurev,

Thanks for your consideration.

Please send a mail to me. I will email the hotfix to you. I can’t publish it since it is not completed. But the background color and borders bug is fixed.