Table borders disappearing when converting DOCX to TIFF (Aspose.Words for .NET 14.3.0)

Hi there,

I converted DOCX (attached) to TIFF, but in the TIFF (attached) text appears as a table, but without borders.



Hi Alex,

Thanks for your inquiry. While using the latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET i.e. 14.3.0, I was unable to reproduce this issue on my side (please see attached output tiff file). I would suggest you please upgrade to the latest version of Aspose.Words. You can download it from the following link:

I hope, this helps.

Best regards,


I forgot to mention that the issue is with B&W TIFF. I’m using these settings:

new Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Tiff)


UseHighQualityRendering = true,

ImageColorMode = Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageColorMode.BlackAndWhite,

TiffCompression = Aspose.Words.Saving.TiffCompression.Ccitt4,

Resolution = 300




Hi Alex,

Thanks for the additional information. While using the latest version of Aspose.Words i.e. 14.3.0, I managed to reproduce this issue on my side. I have logged this issue in our bug tracking system. Your thread has also been linked to the appropriate issue (WORDSNET-10075) and you will be notified as soon as it is resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,

Hi Alex,

Thanks for being patient. Regarding WORDSNET-10075, our development team has completed the analysis of this issue and has come to a conclusion that this issue and the undesired behaviour you’re observing is actually not a bug in Aspose.Words. So, we will most likely close this issue as ‘Not a Bug’.

The problem occurs because when converting image to black and white, the borders are converted to white and hence become invisible. Besides there is no need to set ImageColorMode, because image is automatically converted to black and white when TiffCompression.Ccitt4 is specified. To get required output (with table borders), please use one of the following two methods:

1. Decrease image brightness:
ImageSaveOptions.ImageBrightness = 0.4f;

2. Use dithering binarization method:
ImageSaveOptions.TiffBinarizationMethod = ImageBinarizationMethod.FloydSteinbergDithering;

If we can help you with anything else, please feel free to ask.

Best regards,