Table wider than 827mm - reduces width while converting

I have a wide big table. But after converting the table to an image, it looks like the width is being cut off ( reduce width and remove table’s right border ).
I have noticed that the width is cut off for tables that are wider than 827mm. For other tables - all working as expacted.
Does ASPOSE have a content width limit? How i can fix it?

Screenshot with problem:
image.png (57.1 KB)

html.7z (2.5 KB)

Resizing Options:

saveOptions = new ImageSaveOptions(ImageFormat.Png)
                    BackgroundColor = Color.White,
                    Compression = Compression.None,
                    SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality,
                    HorizontalResolution = 100,
                    VerticalResolution = 100,

            saveOptions.PageSetup.PageLayoutOptions = PageLayoutOptions.FitToContentWidth | PageLayoutOptions.FitToContentHeight;
            saveOptions.Css.MediaType = MediaType.Screen;


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