TableStart/TableEnd multiple times for the same dataset results in only one table being populated

I’m having some issues with the reuse of the same dataset and ExecuteWithRegions.

I have two tables, both using <TableStart:MyTable><<MyTable_Field>><TableEnd:MyTable>.

Only the first one is generated. The second is not. When I remove the first table from the template, the second one generates without any issue.

Is there a restriction on using the same dataset twice in Aspose Words? If so, is there some kind of workaround in Word to use bookmarks, etc to store the dataset for reuse?


Thanks for your inquiry. Please set the value of MailMerge.MergeDuplicateRegions property as true before executing mail merge with regions to get the desired output. This property gets or sets a value indicating whether all of the document mail merge regions with the name of a data source should be merged while executing of a mail merge with regions against the data source or just the first one.

Document.MailMerge.MergeDuplicateRegions = true;