Templating meetings with MapiCalendar

Hello !

I’d like to know if it’s possible to create a template meeting.
It would be an .oft file with basic informations but with some ressources (like the room) already added.
It would be in an unsent state in a way the opener could alter any informations.

So far I’ve created already accepted meetings with any numbers of params but not one to be sent and validated afterwards.

I’ve tried setting the MapiMessageFlags.MSGFLAG_UNSENT with no luck.
I’m saving the meeting with the .msg but naming the resulting file with .oft.

Any help on the faisability ?

Thank you for your help !!


Thank you for contacting Aspose support team.

You may please use following sample code to create meeting in template form and share the feedback.

Appointment app = new Appointment("This is location", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now,new MailAddress("organizer@domain.com"), null) ;
app.Method = AppointmentMethodType.Publish;
AlternateView view = app.RequestApointment();
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage("from@domain.com", "to@domain.com", "Test Subject", "Test Body");
string oftEmlFileName = @"EmlAsOft.oft";
MsgSaveOptions options = new MsgSaveOptions(MailMessageSaveType.OutlookMessageFormatUnicode);
options.SaveAsTemplate = true;
mail.Save(oftEmlFileName, options);
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Awesome !!! Thank you !!!