Text is covered by the image in the result of saving a PowerPoint file into SVG format


Sure, please take your time and share findings with us so that we further investigate to help you out.


The fonts used in this file are:
華康兒風體W4 ( P )

In Windows environment, I have all font listed above installed except the last one(華康兒風體W4), because this file is from Internet, and I don’t have this font.

I also have these three fonts installed in Linux environment.

The screenshot from opening file with MS PowerPoint
image.jpg (508.1 KB)

The screenshot and result of page #4 from converting in Windows environment.
image.jpg (335.2 KB)
result_p4_windows.zip (730.0 KB)

The screenshot and result of page #4 from converting in Linux environment.
image.jpg (319.3 KB)
result_p4_linux.zip (729.9 KB)

Please check these attachment, thank you~



Thanks for sharing requested information. We will share good news with you soon.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESJAVA-35954) have been fixed in this update.