Text is rendering either in front or behind the embedded document


We are attempting to render Excel Worksheets to HTML for web viewing. In our testing, we found when text is added below the embedded document in Excel, the web viewing displays it either in front of the embedded document or behind it.

I have included a sample Excel document which will allow you to reproduce the issue.

Please use the following worksheets for your testing.
- Word Embed
- Visio
- Project

Thank you


Thanks for sharing the template file.

Please download and try our latest fix/version : Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.7.1.1

I have tested to convert your template file to HTML and I could not spot your mentioned issue with it. I am using the following sample code:
Sample code:

string filePath = @“e:\test2</font>Document+1.xlsx”;

Workbook workbook = new Workbook(filePath);

workbook.Save(filePath + “.out1.html”, SaveFormat.Html);

If you still find the issue, kindly do provide some screen shots to highlight the problematic areas in red circles, we will check your issue soon. Also, provide your sample code here.

Thank you.