Text - IsHtmlTagSupported - changes behaviour of segments

I have two Sections in a PDF. Each section has one Text object which has 4 Segments. When 'IsHtmlTagSupported' is set to false, all the segments appear on the same line. When 'IsHtmlTagSupported' is set to true, each segment appears on a different line. I require html support to be turned on so I can parse encoded chars eg. '"' and also require the segments to appear on the same line.

The code I used to generate the PDF is as follows:

Pdf pdf = new Pdf();

Section section = pdf.Sections.Add();
section.IsNewPage = false;
Text text1 = new Text();
text1.IsHtmlTagSupported = false;
text1.Segments.Add("html support off ");
text1.Segments.Add("one ");
text1.Segments.Add("two ");

section = pdf.Sections.Add();
section.IsNewPage = false;
Text text2 = new Text();
text2.IsHtmlTagSupported = true;
text2.Segments.Add("html support on ");
text2.Segments.Add("one ");
text2.Segments.Add("two ");


I have run some test and was able to reproduce the error that you have reported. I have logged this as PDFNET-4053 in our issue tracking system. Our developers are working on this and will try to provide a solution as soon as possible.



Thank you for considering Aspose.Pdf. We have been working on this problem and trying to give you a fairly good reply in a week. Thank you for your patience.


I was wondering if you have a time frame of when this might be fixed?


We will provide you a new version by November.28th. Thank you again for your patience.


I was wanting to check up on the status of this hotfix.

I hope we can provide the new dll to you next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.