Text overflow on export thumnail

When I export jpg's (generate thumnails) from PowerPoint slides the text is not exactly on the same text row as on the original PowerPoint and the saved as jpg from PowerPoint.

I have attached the PowerPoint file, the saved as jpg from PowerPoint and the generated jpg (thumbnail) from Aspose.

Concluding that PowerPoint itselves does this job perfect. I hope you can solve this issue.

Best regards Etienne van der Kuy

Hi Etienne van der Kuy,

Thanks for inquiring Aspose.Slides.

I have worked with the presentation file shared by you using Aspose.Slides for .NET 7.7.0. I have been able to generate the correct thumbnail using following sample code. Can you please try the same on your end and share with us if there is any further issue incurring on your end.

public static void GenPPTXThumbnail(String presName,String path)
//begin process of converting pptx to png and inserting db entries for these images.
PresentationEx pres = new PresentationEx(path + presName);

//some code here that doesn’t have to do with the presentationex class

for (int x = 0; x < pres.Slides.Count; x++)

//Access the first slide
var slide = pres.Slides[x];

//Create a full scale image
Image bmp = slide.GetThumbnail(2f, 2f);
bmp.Save(path+“Slides\PPTX_Thumb_”+(x+1).ToString()+".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);


Many Thanks,


I am still facing issues with text conversion in GetThumbnail export. I am using below simple code. Now I have tried version 14.7.0

Dim pres As New Presentation(sPath + “\standaard.pptx”)
Dim slide As ISlide = pres.Slides(0)

Dim bmp As System.Drawing.Image = slide.GetThumbnail(2.0F, 2.0F)
bmp.Save(sPath + “dummy.png”, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)

I have attached standaard.pptx file, dummy.png (export by function) and standaard.jpg (export by PowerPoint “save as”).

This sample shows that text gets bigger if saved by GetThumbnail is used and then moves to the next line messing up the presentation. I have added the letter p in the first item. This behaviour will also happen with different fonts and outside tables.

Please advise.


Hi Etienne,

Thank you for sharing the files.

I am able to reproduce your mentioned issue after an initial test. The issue has been registered in our issue tracking system with issue id:SLIDESNET-35771. You will be notified via this forum thread once the issue gets resolved.

Thanks & Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by MuzammilKhan