Text Replaced with Font size-Font style- font family

Hi Arijit,

I had already shared a detailed answer, in my previous post, to explain this scenario; I would like to quote that again:

Hi Arijit,

We have further looked
into this issue and I would like to inform you that currently you can
only use 14 Standard Type 1 Fonts as given below:

Helvetica, Courier, Symbol, Times-Bold, Helvetica-Bold, Courier-Bold,
ZapfDingbats, Times-Italic, Helvetica-Oblique, Courier-Oblique,
Times-BoldItalic, Helvetica-BoldOblique, Courier-BoldOblique”

If you want to use other fonts then we’ll have to investigate in detail and then support it; however, it might take some time.

the file you shared contains subset of the fonts; as you are using
Adobe Illustrator to create PDF file, you have to embed the fonts using
that same tool; you might have to post a query in the Adobe Illustrator forums or need to consult the Adobe Illustrator documentation.

As per above reply, only stated 14 fonts are currently supported while replacing text. You can’t use any other fonts at the moment. We might try to support other fonts in future, but that will take some time.

I hope you understand. If you have any further questions, please do let us know.