TextWrap & Merge Columns while using ImportTwoDimensionArray


We are populating the sheet using the command - worksheet.Cells.ImportTwoDimensionArray(Array, 0, 0), but not writing each cell as Cell.PutValue() method.

We are populating our Array from 0,0 to rows,cols.. where the Report Title would be around in (0,0) until (4,0) and Column Titles would be from (6, 0) until (6, cols) dimension. Many such Reports will be in the Array as the Report Title and Column Title will be there for all reports and needed to be displayed in same worksheet (excel tab)

Please let me know how to enable the Text Wrap and Merge cells for Report Title and Text Wrap for Column Titles.



Hi Jay,

Thank you for contacting Aspose support.

Please check the detailed article on Merging Cells & Applying Styles. Once you have imported all your data, you can merge the cells as per your requirement using the code snippets available in the above referenced article. You can also apply Style including the Text Wrap to the merged cells using the Style.IsTextWrapped property.

In case you face any difficulty, please provide us your sample spreadsheet after importing the data and your desired results that you may create manually using the MS Excel application. Upon reviewing both templates, we may try to provide you the complete solution as per your requirements.