The Animation Duration of the Slide Shape Cannot Be Obtained in Java

The animation duration of the slide shape cannot be obtained by using the related api, prompt naN 21.2
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PPT无法读取动画的播放时间 Running with the code of this post is the same result

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Animation effect total duration is defined as the maximum value between the durations of the effect and all its behaviors. Please use the following code example:

Presentation presentation = new Presentation("ppt21.pptx");
ISlide slide = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(0);

for (IShape shape : slide.getShapes())
    IEffect[] effects = slide.getTimeline().getMainSequence().getEffectsByShape(shape);
    for (IEffect effect : effects)
        float effectDuration = effect.getTiming().getDuration();

        for (IBehavior behavior : effect.getBehaviors())
            if (Float.isNaN(effectDuration) || behavior.getTiming().getDuration() > effectDuration)
                effectDuration = behavior.getTiming().getDuration();

        System.out.println("Effect duration: " + effectDuration);


Effect duration: 0.5
Effect duration: 1.0
Effect duration: 0.5
Effect duration: 0.5
Effect duration: 0.5

API Reference: IBehavior Interface