The problem of setting Charts Appearance

I want set the background of NSeries Area.

I’ve find the document by

there has a code

//Setting the foreground color of the 1st NSeries area

chart.NSeries(0).Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Red

I want chanage by java



But no effect

I ues the version is Cells for java V2.0.0

who can help me ?thank you!


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Please check the following technical article (Setting Chart Appearance) for Aspose.Cells for Java as per your need. I have also attached the latest version as it works fine as per your mentioned issue.

Thank You & Best Regards,

Thank you! the problem is over.
The version version of cells for java V2.0 have the bug that
seting the ASerier 'foreGroundColor is no effect
but the version of V2.1 Can.