The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is a unknown word starting at index 3

I'm a newbie to Aspose.Word, evaluating the product.
With my data (an access table), I get the error message:
The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is a unknown word starting at index 3.

What's the problem? is it my data that are misformatted?


Thanks for your request. Please attach the documents and some code that will let us to reproduce the problem. We will then research and try to fix the problem ASAP.

Best regards

Thanks for your help.

Documents are on their way.

I have work around a bit on my side. And, I was able to make it work.
I think the problem come because some of my date was store as text in my table.

The data is (a string) : "1er mai 2007"
In word the mergefield is : { MERGEFIELD "MyDate" \@ "dd MM YYYY" }

This gives Aspose a hard time converting my string to date.

I remove merge format in Word, and then everything went fine.
Amended mergefield : { MERGEFIELD "MyDate" }

Thanks a lot for your help.
Your product is really really great. And your custom service really really great too.



It is very nice that you have found the solution independently. Please let me know, if you have any other problems.

Best regards.