There is no axis info and series description when Chart saved as Thumbnail image


We are using Aspose slide (java version 15.11.0) to read .pptx files. When we want to save the charts in .pptx file as thumbnail image using the following code, the axis info and series description are lost in the image.

BufferedImage image = s.getThumbnail(ShapeThumbnailBounds.Shape, 1, 1);
ImageIO.write(image, “png”, new File(dataDirOut + slideNum+j + “.png”));

There are two images in the attachment. One is the original snapshot from pptx file,the other is the thumbnail image.

Is there any way to save the chart as images with all information. Appreciate your help in this regard.


Hi Yuebin,

I have observed the images shared by you and suggest you to please try using Aspose.Slides for Java 15.11.0 on your end first. If there is still an issue then please provide the source presentation so that I may proceed further with my investigation.

Many Thanks,

Hi Mudassi,

Thank you for the response. The problem is solved. It is because the thumbnail is made color transparent before it is saved as a image. That caused the lost of axis and series description.
I used version 15.11.0.

Thank a lot.


Hi Yuebin,

Its good to know that the concerned issue has been resolved on your end after employing the latest product version. For any further inquiries in future, you are always to share with us.

Many Thanks,