There seem to be some warnings in the file

dear~ Community maintainer!
After I integrated Aspose. Word. Java. Jar into my system. It appears to have the following warning message.

Aspose.Words for Java is limited with JDK’s built-in image encoders/decoders.
In order to improve reading/writing quality use the following external graphics libraries:

  • ImageMagick
    • Download and install ImageMagick from
    • Windows users will have to set up the path to ImageMagick via IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH or ProcessStarter.setGlobalSearchPath(myPath), e.g. IM4JAVA_TOOLPATH=C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.8-Q16
    • Download im4java
    • Copy im4java-1.4.0.jar to CLASSPATH or copy to JDK_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory.
  • Java Advanced Imaging API
    • Download jai_codec and add it to application classpath
    • Download jai_core and add it to application classpath
    • Download jai_imageio and add it to application classpath

How can I avoid it? Or how to make him disappear?


We suggest you please read the System Requirements for Aspose.Words for Java.

Aspose.Words for Java depends upon the Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) package from Oracle in order to process some image formats such as TIFF.

Regarding ImageMagick, could you please share the steps that you are using to reproduce the warning messages at our end? Please also share your working environment e.g. operating system, Java version, IDE etc.


My project runs in the docker container

JDK version: JDK1.8

Operating system: Linux

If I want to get rid of this warning

Do you just need to install ImageMagick in Linux?


Aspose.Words does not require ImageMagick for all cases. Moreover, Java cannot load all types of TIFF images even if we use the latest version of JAI. More precisely, core Java does not support TIFF at all. JAI supports several TIFF sub-formats, but not all. You can use ImageMagick and im4java to load tiff images.

Our service runs in the docker container,

Do you have a configured dokerfile that we can configure directly?


Could you please share the steps that you are using to reproduce the warning messages at our end? Please also share the screenshots of warning messages. We will then provide you more information on it.