Trouble styling in Bold/Italic/Underline


I'm using version and find that I can't set the properties "FontItalic/FontBold/FontUnderline" of the portion class to "True" I can set the colour of the portion but every time I set the aforementioned properties they remain "False".

Is there some pre-requisite steps I need to do to set these properties to true ?



Dear Guyan,

Thanks for reporting. You should be able to set them, I will take a look shortly and let you know soon if it is broken.


I am not able to replicate this error with Aspose.Slides Please see the code below; its source and output presentations are also attached.

Presentation pres = new Presentation(@"C:\source\source.ppt");

Slide sld = pres.GetSlideByPosition(1);

//Set the first shape text bold, underline and italic

Shape shp = sld.Shapes[0];

TextHolder thld = (TextHolder)shp.Placeholder;

Portion port = thld.Paragraphs[0].Portions[0];

port.FontBold = true;

port.FontUnderline = true;

port.FontItalic = true;

//Set the second shape text bold, underline and italic

shp = sld.Shapes[1];

TextFrame tf = shp.TextFrame;

port = tf.Paragraphs[0].Portions[0];

port.FontBold = true;

port.FontUnderline = true;

port.FontItalic = true;

//Write it on disk
