Trusting Certificate errors for pop3 - RESOLVED

For testing I am using a pop3 server with a self signed certificate. I am gettign the following exception when attempting to connect with SSL:

[3312] Pop3 login error: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.

This certificate possible has 2 errors, one being the name (I am using a long name in Aspose but the certificate was named with the server shortname. The second error of course is the certificate signing authority (self signed).

I would like to use an SSL callback similar to the way a webrequest method in .NET handles the error so I can selectively ignore certain errors but not others (so for this scenario I could ignore the name and authority error but fail on an expired certificate).

Is there a way to do this with the pop3 client? I saw a post that indicated that this was available in the IMAP client but I require pop3.

Thanks for any help you can provide

Sorry, I had an older version of Aspose still cached in my GAC apparently and did not see the callback funtion for certificate errors. I think I am all set now.