Unable to get Font Underline Style from speaker Notes


I have applied different font underline styles like dash,double dash,dotted etc...in speaker notes. By using Portion class,I could able to check whether UnderLine applied or not. But I'm unable to get the actual style applied to the text.

Kindly share me the code to get the exact underline style applied to the text using c#.



Hi Ponraj. M,

I like to share that we are also following you in this forum thread and Aspose.Words team will help you better in this regard.

public static void GetPptxFont()
String MyDir = “D:\Aspose Data\”;

Aspose.Slides.Pptx.PresentationEx pres = new Aspose.Slides.Pptx.PresentationEx(MyDir + “Sample_NotesPage.pptx”);
// Aspose.Slides.Pptx.PresentationEx pres = new Aspose.Slides.Pptx.PresentationEx(MyDir + “Bullets.pptx”);

// Insert string into document.
Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder builder = new Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder();
Aspose.Slides.Pptx.NotesSlideEx note;
foreach (SlideEx sld in pres.Slides)
//Getting notes slides
note = sld.NotesSlide;

if (note != null)
builder.Write(“Slide Notes for Slide:” + sld.SlideNumber.ToString() + “\n\n”);

foreach (ShapeEx shape in note.Shapes)
if (shape is AutoShapeEx)
AutoShapeEx ashp = (AutoShapeEx)shape;

if (ashp.TextFrame != null)
ParagraphEx para = null;
// foreach (ParagraphEx para in ashp.TextFrame)
for (int i = 0; i < ashp.TextFrame.Paragraphs.Count;i++ )
para = ashp.TextFrame.Paragraphs[i];
//Set list formats
// para.ParagraphFormat.BulletType
// para.ParagraphFormat.BulletChar;
if (para.HasBullet && para.ParagraphFormat.BulletType == BulletTypeEx.Numbered)
if (builder.ListFormat.List == null)
if (para.ParagraphFormat.NumberedBulletStyle == Aspose.Slides.Pptx.NumberedBulletStyleEx.BulletRomanLCPeriod)
builder.ListFormat.List = builder.Document.Lists.Add(Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.NumberLowercaseRomanDot);
else if (para.NumberedBulletStyle == Aspose.Slides.Pptx.NumberedBulletStyleEx.BulletArabicPeriod)
builder.ListFormat.List = builder.Document.Lists.Add(Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.BulletSquare);
else if (para.HasBullet && para.ParagraphFormat.BulletType == BulletTypeEx.Symbol)
char BulletChar=para.ParagraphFormat.BulletChar;

else if (para.HasBullet && para.ParagraphFormat.BulletType == BulletTypeEx.Picture)


foreach (PortionEx portion in para.Portions)

if (portion.Field == null && portion.Text!=String.Empty)
FontDataEx noteFont = portion.LatinFont;
//FontDataEx noteFont = portion.PortionFormat.LatinFont;
builder.Font.Name = noteFont.FontName;
builder.Font.Size = portion.FontHeight;

builder.Font.Underline = MapTextUnderline(portion.PortionFormat);
bool val=false;
if (portion.PortionFormat.FontBold == NullableBool.True)
val = true;
val = false;

builder.Font.Bold = val;
if (portion.PortionFormat.FontItalic == NullableBool.True)
val = true;
val = false;

builder.Font.Italic =val;

builder.Font.DoubleStrikeThrough = true;
else if (portion.PortionFormat.StrikethroughType == TextStrikethroughTypeEx.Single)
builder.Font.StrikeThrough = true;
builder.Font.DoubleStrikeThrough = false;
builder.Font.StrikeThrough = false;
if (para.Text != “”)

}//End if
}//End for
// Save output.
builder.Document.Save(MyDir + “outWord.docx”);
builder.Document.Save(MyDir + “out.pdf”);
builder.Document.Save(MyDir + “out.tiff”);

public static Aspose.Words.Underline MapTextUnderline(PortionFormatEx format)
if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.Dashed)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.Dash;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.DotDash)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.DotDash;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.DotDotDash)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.DotDotDash;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.Dotted)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.Dotted;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.Double)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.Double;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.DoubleWavy)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.WavyDouble;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.Heavy)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.Thick;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.HeavyDashed)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.DashLongHeavy;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.HeavyDotDash)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.DotDashHeavy;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.HeavyDotDotDash)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.DotDotDashHeavy;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.HeavyDotted)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.DottedHeavy;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.HeavyLongDashed)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.DashLongHeavy;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.HeavyWavy)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.WavyHeavy;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.LongDashed)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.DashLong;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.None)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.None;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.NotDefined)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.None;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.Single)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.Single;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.Wavy)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.Wavy;
else if (format.FontUnderline == TextUnderlineTypeEx.Words)
return Aspose.Words.Underline.Words;
return Aspose.Words.Underline.None;


Many Thanks,

Thanks a lot. I will get back to you if I have any doubts.

Hi ,

PPT ==> In bullets and Numbering format, I am not getting the numbers in sequence.


A. This is letter A

B. This is letter B


A. This is leter A

A. This is letter B

Same issue I'm facing for numbers also. Kindly help to resolve thi issue.

Hi Ponraj,

Thanks for inquiring further. As I have shared with you in my last post that the bullet mapping is to be done in Aspose.Words to use PPT bullets using Aspose.Slides. We have already shared the mechanism for extracting the bullet type from PPT using Aspose.Slides over this link. Our respective Aspose.Words team member will help you further in this regard to provide mapping in Aspose.Words documentation in response to your this query.

Many Thanks,