Unable to know what value to put in storage in apireference.aspose.cloud

I’ve uploaded a .pdf file in my Aspose Cloud Storage and specified the file name in name parameter
I don’t know what value to put in storage so that it takes the file from Aspose Cloud Storage.

I don’t understand why it is giving error of AmazonS3
“error”: {
“code”: “errorAmazonS3Storage”,
“message”: “AmazonS3 Storage exception: The specified key does not exist. Bucket ‘afc-filestorage’, FilePath ‘82234/e07a37e0-fd23-4755-a3d4-305698922264/ccnf-en’”,
“description”: “Operation Failed. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.”,
“innerError”: {
“requestId”: null,
“date”: “2019-09-19T10:44:40.1757583Z”

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