We are getting the below error while converting a html file to pdf using aspose.pdf. “getContentAreaBPD() called when it should have been overridden”. Also, sometime the html itself is not loading “Document htmlDocument = new Document(dataDir+“sample3.html”, options);” .
Kindly help to resolve the issue asap. if required we can share you the sample html which are trying.
Please find the attached sample html code we are using.Sample1.zip (10.0 KB)
I was able to replicate the issue where the file is not loaded. But the strange thing is that the .Net version worked without any issues. I will be contacting the dev team.
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): PDFJAVA-42468
You can obtain Paid Support services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.
Hi Team,
Do we have any workaround to resolve the issue by using any other library like Aspose.words/html where we will not loose formatting.
Ticket#176608 raised for this issue. Kindly provide your support on priority basis
If you paid support for this issue, please use the Paid Support management team access you got access to it now. And let them know the ticket that was created here.
The issues you found earlier (filed as PDFJAVA-42468) have been fixed in Aspose.PDF for Java 23.3.