Unable to read text from doc or converting? doc to docx

Hi ,
I’m trying to convert or reading text of Doc file using rest API
I’ve download sample project from Conversion Settings|Aspose Words Cloud Docs.
i’m not able to read text from doc or converting​ doc to docx
This is the file link that i want to convert

Submitted from: http://saaspose.com/

Have you checked it ?

Hi Sourabh,

Your supplied link https://ww​w.dropbox.​com/s/agkc​23ob7rn5cw​1/Sourabh%​20Resume.d​oc did not work for me and I tried to download the file using https://dl.dropbox.​com/s/agkc​23ob7rn5cw​1/Sourabh%​20Resume.d​oc?dl=1 but this link also did not work.

The good news is that I was able to guess the problem; actually there was an issue with the Sign method which was not allowing ‘space’ in the file name and ‘space’ is used in your file’s name. This issue was resolved but some samples were not updated. We will update all the samples soon but you can use attached saaspose.php file in the meantime.

Please replace attached saaspose.php file with the saaspose.php file in the samples and let us know if it resolves the issue.

Best Regards,
Muhammad Ijaz
Support Developer, Saaspose Sialkot Team


Sorry for the wrong link ,

and thanks for your reply .... have you updated your samples or code ?
cause now it seems good output ( overall correct )

am i able to convert any pdf to docx as well ?

Sourabh Jain

Hi Sourabh,

Thanks for your feedback. We are updating all the How-To samples and let you know once this task is complete.

Regarding PDF to DOCX, you can convert PDF to DOC using Saaspose.Pdf API and then DOC to DOCX using Saaspose.Words API.

Please feel free to contact us in case you have further comments or questions.

Best Regards,
Muhammad Ijaz
Support Developer, Saaspose Sialkot Team

Hi ,

Once again thanks for your kind reply .
Plzz notify me once you updation process will complete

Sourabh Jain

Hi Sourabh,

Samples have been updated. Please try latest samples and let us know if you still find any issue.

Best Regards,
Muhammad Ijaz
Support Developer, Saaspose Sialkot Team