Unable to Upload Presentation File to E-WorkBook SaaS Product (F0148220)

We have a customer who is unable to upload a PowerPoint file to our E-WorkBook SaaS product.
The file itself is only 1KB in size but and contains a box-and-whisker plot.
I tried running this in Aspose checker but it failed.
PFA the PowerPoint file in question.
20240614_Biotope_02_modified.zip (160.3 KB)

Thank you for contacting support.

We are sorry that you had to encounter this problem. Could you please describe in more detail how to reproduce the problem on our end? Then we will do our best to help you.

Dear ,

Thank you for contacting IDBS Support. This is an automated response to confirm receipt of your message. Your case has been logged with the following details:

Case Number: F0148875

Registered Date: 2024/07/16 11:26:31 GMT

Description of issue raised:

Thank you for contacting support.

We are sorry that you had to encounter this problem. Could you please describe in more detail how to reproduce the problem on our end? Then we will do our best to help you.

To assist us in resolving this as quickly as possible, could you please provide more details on the steps you followed and any error messages you encountered? Any additional information that might be relevant would also be greatly appreciated.

Hi - here are the recreation steps:

Launch E-WorkBook
Create new experiment
Click insert item > File & Image
Choose attached file from local machine

The upload progress gets stuck at 90% before eventually timing out.

We need the following files and information to reproduce the problem on our end and investigate the case:

  • sample presentation file
  • code example
  • OS version on which the problem occurs
  • JDK target version in your application project
  • Aspose.Slides version you used