There was 1 more value noticed “background-color: initial” causing issue. Is it possible that whenever it encounters invalid value for any tags, especially color, background-color and font-size tags, instead of showing error, it considers default value. Please note that below was noticed in client data but only background-color showed issue for now. Thanks.
Or can you provide a flag that when set to true, it will always suppress the error and consider default value for given tag. For ex. SuppressErrorWithDefaultTagValue = True
At present, there may be some exceptions in the handling of initial values. As an alternative, you can set specific values to solve the issue.
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Issue ID(s): CELLSNET-55974
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Yes, actually suddenly lot many clients have started facing issue. New values are encountered each time. We replace it in database every time through workaround script. Though it’s not convenient to run each time when issue surfaces and when it has new values client needs to connect again for support.
Clients are copying such HTML formatted data from external sources and its so frequent that we cannot control it. Though our HTML editors does not through issue, so it gets entered into the system but while being processed by Aspose, it throughs exception.
I have 1 more question. We are using multiple old & new versions of Aspose in our different versions. In old Aspose version we have noticed that export to csv results into simplified plain text only when HTML formatted text is inserted, whereas in newer version it results into HTML formatted values. Can you please see for how it occurs or is there any option that we can have same functionality in newer versions. We want to remove HTML formatting tags in csv export as they make the content unreadable. Thanks.
Would you like to provide sample files, expected result files, and runnable test code? If you can take a screenshot and highlight the issue, it will be very helpful for us to locate the issue. We will check it soon.
By testing on the latest version v24.8 using the following sample code, we can obtain the correct results. Please refer to the attachment. (255 Bytes)
Can you please suggest that if 3 lines for setting lines are necessary in this code. Though I have tested them also not working. Do you see this for also?
We can obtain correct results by testing on both the latest version v24.8 and the old version v23.6 using the following sample code. Please refer to the attachment. (538 Bytes)
inherit keyword caused issue in Aspose. I could see that previously initial tag, used in same way, had caused issue. I could also find that Inherit, Initial, Unset, and Revert are keywords used in CSS inheritance. Can you please try to resolve the same for later versions.
Could you please share a use case (sample (runnable) code and sample files (input (if any) and output file) to demonstrate the issue. Also, provide your desired output file for reference. We will evaluate and log appropriate ticket for your issue/requirements.