Unused space in the footer

We want the most of the footer to be shown only on the first page (i.e. logos, location details), yet it seems that the microsoft’s pdf SSRS’s renderer wants to maintain that space for all pages. [this forum post] seems to back that up.

Does Aspose have any feature to remove any unused space in the footer, or perhaps have more than 1 footer definition per report?



Hi Erick,

Sorry for your inconvenience!

Currently AsposePdf supports the setting of header or footer for the first page, and supports different header or footer for odd and even pages, but Aspoe.Pdf 4RS has not supported it. We will try out best to add the feathure in the later version ASAP.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by MuzammilKhan