Hi Team,
When we are converting a HTML to PDF then there are certain unwanted white borders are displayed, although they are not available in the original file, also, it is not static to one or two particular rows, it keeps on changing as we zoom in or zoom out. Please advise how can we resolve this issue.
For your kind reference attached is the sample code and sample data file along with the output file generated
Sample.zip (8.0 KB)
SampleData.zip (185.0 KB)
Can please make a screenshot point out to which white borders are you referring to?
@carlos.molina attached is the screenshot as required
aspose_pdf.PNG (20.1 KB)
I can clearly see them now that you showed them to me. I did look for them for a long time and I could not see them. I will create a ticket for the Dev team and I will also add the picture you just added too and extra information.
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): PDFNET-53958
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