Update code to utiltize Aspose.Cell

I am new to Aspose. I am try to update over 4000 line of code that was utiltize Mircosoft.Office.Interop Excel.

The code were try to export data to excel sheet or excel sheet template with chart.

i had done search, however, i am not able to find any method or property that i can use in aspose.cell..

see below line of code still use MS Excel..

oChart.Shapes.Item("Rectangle 3").TextFrame.Characters(null, null).Text = CtrlTotal;

oChart.Chart.Location(Excel.XlChartLocation.xlLocationAsNewSheet, "Dashboard Chart");

oSheet.Cells.CreateRange("A1", Missing.Value);

oSheet.Cells.CreateRange("A" + (y + 1), "A" + (y + 3)).Clear();

series.Border.ColorIndex = colSeriesMD_CompositScore

range = (Range)oSheet.Rows[("5:" + lastRow.ToString()), Missing.Value];

range.Insert(Excel.XlInsertShiftDirection.xlShiftDown, Excel.XlInsertFormatOrigin.xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove);


I wonder if some one can help me find out how to update those code. thanks.


We suggest you to check some topics in the section for charts and their manipulation:

For inserting data into cells and for named ranges, see the documents:

To clear the Contents of a range and to insert a range, you may use:
Cells.ClearContents() method and Cells.InsertRange() etc.

To insert and delete rows and columns, see the document(s):