Upgrade from 1.9 to 2.1 License problem

Hello, we have multiple developer licenses and one server license (we got’em all from April 2003), I installed the new version of Aspose.Excel and after calling “new Excel(lsLicenseFile, this);” I get this error message: “System.Exception: The license is for a different product or corrupted”. I’ve seen in release history a “Changed: License setting mode” as per version 2.0, is my problem related to this ? How can I solve this ?

Does the error happens on the developer license, or server license? Or even both? Please tell me your order ID. Thanks.

And which version are you using now? The latest hotfix is 2.1.2.

I checked only with the developer license, I cannot check with server license because the server is online.
I installed the hot fix 2.1.1, now I can try with 2.1.2 if this can help…
I have a “Notification for Purchase #2940116” as a reference from previous e-mail (to Ben Li), let me know if it is ok or if I have to look for "order ID"

I failed to find your Order ID. But I would suggest some hints to you then you can find the Order ID by yourself:

1. Check the emails that include the license files as well as the licensing instructions. You can find the Order ID in the email’s subject. Or,

2. Ask for your management who made the purchase to request the Order ID. The management should receive a payment notification email that includes the Order ID.

Please let me know if you still can’t have any clues on Order ID. By the way, to support licenisng we alsways need customers to quote Order ID at first. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

The 2.1.2 hot fix link point to the same file of 2.1.1 both from the “Download” section and from the forum…so how can I get the 2.1.2 hot fix ???

I post a reply to you instead of Ben Li because when I tried that I receive this error message:
“Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘PinnedDate’, table ‘AsposeForums.dbo.Posts’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.” (???!!!)

So this is for Ben:
My management is on holiday by now…
If you could give me an e-mail address where I can forward the old e-mail I have from you regarding the order and also the zip file containing the licences you send us, I hope this is ok and I have not to wait the return of my boss…

Please send it to info@aspose.com

When a new hotfix is released, the old one is replaced. So you can always get the latest hotfix from the same link.

Ok but what I was saying is that if I look at the property of Aspose.Excel.dll (downloaded as hot fix I see version not (???!!!)

Please re-download again. I think you download the previous version. The latest hotfix is uploaded today.

Now it’s ok

So your problem is solved in the latest hotfix? If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us.

My “Now it’s ok” was only for the hotfix version available to download.
I’m still waiting an answer to my last e-mail asking for difference between old and new licensing type, as I explained to Ben now I’m able to generate only one licensing file so I cannot upgrade to new version and I have to continue working with version 1.8

Sorry for not replying earlier.

As your order is one of the earliest ones and you purchased it via ShareIt, when Amy centralized your order into Aspose database there were some confusion there. Anyway, I have all fixed now and please check your email.

ALL it’s ok !
Thank you all guys for the support and, obviously, for the nice component :slight_smile: