Aspose.PDF for .NET Upgrade - Migrate from 10.9 to 20.1 - Code Conversion and API Reference


We are planning to upgrade from Aspose.pdf 10.9 to 20.1. Would you be able to provide the code conversion of the following snippets? The following code are in 10.9 but are no longer in 20.1 or maybe in another place in the package. We need to see how much work we need to do if we decide to upgrade.

  1. Aspose.Pdf.Generator namespace is no longer present in 20.1
  2. Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextOptions.TextSearchOptions class is no longer present in TextOptions namespace.
  3. Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextOptions.TextExtractionOptions class is no longer present in TextOptions namespace.
  4. Aspose.Pdf.InteractiveFeatures namespace is no longer present.
  5. Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfFileSignature.GetSignNames() – 10.9 has zero parameter, 20.1 does not accept 0 parameter.

Really appreciate all the help I can get. Would love to see code samples as well.

Thank you very much!



Thanks for contacting support.

The latest version of Aspose.PDF for .NET 20.1 uses DOM (Document Object Model) approach and Aspose.Pdf.Generator model has been obsolete. Please check following links for updated class names and namespaces:

Furthermore, you may get complete information about new classes and namespaces in API Reference of Aspose.PDF for .NET. Code samples and Examples of Aspose.Pdf DOM model can be viewed in API Documentation. In case you need further assistance, please feel free to let us know.

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Thank you for the quick response! Really appreciate all your help!


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